Οι Υπηρεσίες μας


We provide the rental of bins and presses for the collection and transportation of recyclable materials.

As a result, our trucks also provide the most compatible, efficient, and safe transportation, while reducing the kilometers for traveling to our sorting place.


We also recover various types of paper, plastic, and metal packaging, through the sorting of multiple materials in our facilities.


Destroy your paper and plastics in a compliant, safe, and cost-effective way.

Our secure, environmentally friendly services, ensure the destruction and recycle of confidential paper documents and plastics.

Εξοικονομήστε χρόνο και χρήμα έχοντας παράλληλα εμπιστοσύνη στις διαδικασίες μας!

Η διαδικασία περιλαμβάνει φορτηγά υψηλής ασφάλειας και εκπαιδευμένο προσωπικό, το οποίο μεταφέρει όλα τα έγγραφα στο εργοστάσιό μας όπου γίνεται η καταστροφή τους.

You have also the option to visit our plant and witness the shredding process for yourself, to be fully confident that any document will be handled in a secure and professional manner.

Ο Εξοπλισμός μας

VIPA Recycling, also owns and maintains an extensive fleet of relevant, up to date equipment including:

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